My Dear Friend Sriram, myself and Girish Wagle at Gatlinburg, Tennessee on Apr 13, 1995.
Sriram was the first person in our Nucleus group to leave abroad. He left to the Middle East during 1992. He came to the US in 1994. He drove from Kansas City to Charlotte to visit me during this trip. We went to Gatlinburg from Charlotte. He had been living all over US except the South East. So we didn't get to see him a lot. Last time I saw him was when we went to San Francisco to see his new born son Ashwin in 2001. Now he is settled in the North West US. I wish I see him soon. The one year we worked together at Nucleus, Apr 1991 to Apr 1992, there is so much we learned together and enjoyed together, the memories will last a life time. Even though we haven't met in years, we never feel any distance.