No sooner than the group was created, interest sparked on the first reunion. I call it the first reunion since this was the first time we have a formally organized reunion: there have been many smaller informal ones such as the ones west coast guys regularly have in their kids' birthday parties.
After a month long discussion and a vote, we zeroed in on Washington DC; the Big Apple New York came in second and the Sin City Las Vegas a distant third! Washington won mainly because of the unending enthusiasm shown by local hosts Gerald, Latha and Gurpreet.
A similar vote for the date of the reunion was arranged. Except for a lone voice or two for the Christmas/New year weekend, everybody wanted the Labor Day weekend (September 3, 4, 5). It falls right before the schools start for kids, summer is easier to travel, and most importantly, five of us wanting to attend expect the arrival of our second babies between October and February!
We expected a minimum of dozen to max two dozen to attend. We ended up with eighteen of us and families making a total of close to 60 attendees, representing six branches, four hostels and a day scholar, and nine (US) states. Good enough response for a first reunion. When the word gets out how much fun it was, we are hoping, more will join next time around. Hopefully we can work few regional ones every year and work towards a grand 20th anniversary one at Trichy in 2011.
பதினான்கு ஆண்டுகளுக்கு பிறகு, கல்லூரி நண்பர்கள் பதினெட்டு பேர், அவர்கள் குடும்பங்களுடன், செப்டம்பர் 3,4,5 தேதிகளில், வாஷிங்டனில் ஒன்று கூடினோம்.
Here is the RECTian group photo:

From left to right.
Standing in the back row:
Gurpreet Singh (ECE, VA), Sai Ravela (CSE, MA), Thirumalai (PE, MA), Sivakumar (PE, IL) K Rameshbabu (ECE, IL), Ganesh (CSE, OH)
Standing in the front row:
Kulandaivelu (PE, MA), Gerald Joseph (ECE, VA), Raghu Prasad (PE, NJ), Murali (PE, CA), Sabapathy (CSE, FL), Shanmuganathan (ECE, NC), Latha (EEE, VA), Vijay Anand (EEE, OH), Joshua (CE, VA)
Jeyasakthivel (PE, PA), Balaji (CSE, NJ), Muthukumar (ME, MI)
Nobody from Civil, Metallurgy and Architecture! And nobody representing any states other than Tamil Nadu, Delhi and U.P.!