Money and Mouth
So Gore is making a ton of money on so called "Green" industry. What is new?
For those willing to see, it is been obvious. So called Global warming is the biggest scam ever, going back 10 years. I am proud to say I am one of those who saw it as is 10 years back.
How arrogant are we to think we can "control" global climate? I have a lot to say, but that's for another time.
Now, the arrogant
Let's just change the equation. Let's say a Republican VP, put the money in fossil fuel industry, say Haliburton, wouldn't he putting the money where his smart mouth was?
Oh that's right, a Republican VP did do that and he got roasted for that by the dinosaur media.
It is all out there plain to see, but highlighting it for those who need it :)